Telit FAQs, Part 5: What operating systems does Telit have drivers for?
Thursday, January 22, 2015
It’s not necessary for you to use a host with a high level operating system. The Telit modules have an internal TCP/IP stack so that the host can be a simple micro that communicates with the Telit module via AT commands over a UART.
For more advanced hosts that can support a high-level operating system, the Telit modules can be used as a point-to-point connection with the host running their own TCP/IP stack. To support this configuration Telit offers drivers for Windows, Linux and Android operating systems. Just contact Symmetry/Semiconductorstore and we will send you the correct driver for your module.
It’s not necessary for you to use a host with a high level operating system. The Telit modules have an internal TCP/IP stack so that the host can be a simple micro that communicates with the Telit module via AT commands over a UART.
For more advanced hosts that can support a high-level operating system, the Telit modules can be used as a point-to-point connection with the host running their own TCP/IP stack. To support this configuration Telit offers drivers for Windows, Linux and Android operating systems. Just contact Symmetry and we will send you the correct driver for your module.