From Telit: Make Money, Save Money, Stay Compliant
Interview with Fred Yentz, CEO, Telit IoT Platforms
It has often been stated, that the Internet of Things is not about the connections but about the things, context and services. Do you agree?
Absolutely. The Internet and connectivity has been around for a while. When I think about what IoT brings it’s the ability to affordably connect to the things. Thing information and control can now be delivered using IoT technologies and services. It is this new information and control capability that is enabling the servitization, a transformation journey, of products and assets. How we interact with our homes, autos, transportation systems and find our pets are just a few examples of how connecting things can change our behavior and improve our lives.
Looking at the commercial and industrial sectors, having the ability to change business models from a CapEx transaction to a pay as they use model or the ability to offer enhanced business models around predictive maintenance or services is another example of how we think about, consume or manage the things we work with or use during the day.
Enabling the shift from things to services ultimately allows thing makers or OEMs go get closer to their customers and better understand the value that their products and services provide. OEMs can achieve these objectives without significant work or risk by leveraging Telit’s IoT portfolio of technologies and services.
What does an IoT “Connected Economy” philosophy mean for you? And what must corporations do to adopt to this new thinking?
IoT is a set of enablement technologies and services that allow companies to create efficiencies, processes, and services through the connection and interaction with things or assets that they may have never been able to connect in an affordable or managed fashion. As such, the discussion about IoT needs to start with how you can “Make Money, Save Money or Stay Compliant”. Defining the business and service use case first will simplify and speed up the implementation of the IoT Services you need to accomplish these business objectives.
Extensive collaboration with strategic partners is one of the key drivers behind Telit’s market success in the last years. Could you explain why partnerships are of such critical importance in the IoT economy and which value propositions the cooperation between Google and Telit support businesses on a strategic level?
Collaboration in the IoT domain is vital. It is critical that we have an ecosystem of those who make things in addition to partners such as Google who provide tools such as big table or big query to discover insights from the thing derived data. Today, analytics and Big Data are technologies and services that can provide solutions to problems that could only be imagined in the past.
If we had to define roles in how we fit together, Telit can instrument and connect things into our IoT service and provide this data to Google in a seamless way. Google tools and partners can transform this new data and information into customer facing applications and insights. The combination of both Telit and Google technologies and services is a great example of how IoT delivers customer value through partnerships.
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