From Telit: "Four Essentials of IoT Device and Connection Management"
Creating a network of IoT devices is a fairly straightforward process, but maintaining those connections can be challenging. When you have thousands of devices in your network and one is not behaving well, isolating the issue can become a challenge—is it a problem with the sensor, the modem, the cellular link, or something else? If your IoT solution lacks connectivity data, running diagnostics is an especially perplexing and often frustrating process.
IoT Device and Connection Management: 4 Essential Elements
That’s why it’s important to find an IoT solution that’s traceable, customizable to different architectures, and able to provide connectivity data along with the thing’s data. Here are some essential elements to look for when you’re considering an IoT provider:
1. Traceability
Inevitably, one of your connected devices will malfunction. Prepare yourself by choosing an IoT platform that provides a rich suite of integrated connectivity data management tools, enabling you to accurately isolate and diagnose the problem remotely.
Remote diagnostics reduces the time and expense of sending personnel to the site. Telit’s IoT platform is able to aggregate multiple types of connected devices easily, yielding a seamless view of every sensor’s status and the ability to perform real-time diagnostics. You can also use our connectivity tools to monitor data usage and prevent overage.
2. Reliability
According to a 2017 study by Inmarsat, 96 percent of logistics transportation and logistics organizations believe that the success of their IoT deployments is based on reliable connectivity. In a network of thousands of connected devices, transmission or reception failure is bound to occur. When it does, you run the risk of losing valuable data you need to provide insights for your company.
To safeguard your data, choose an IoT platform that can easily recover lost information. The Telit IoT Platform stores all data and automatically sends it once an interrupted connection is restored, preventing permanent loss.
3. Interoperability
One of the biggest challenges in IoT is finding ways to connect disparate devices running different apps and operating systems. Seamless data aggregation provides the big picture view you need to get the best possible insights from analytics.
Telit’s IoT Platform can connect to any sensor over any wireless technology, including Cellular, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and ZigBee. It’s also compatible with ultra-low-power connections for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Furthermore, ease of interoperability to upstream cloud environments like AWS and Azure is critical for getting data to the right locations, where it can be analyzed alongside other enterprise data.
4. Flexibility
Many companies face a dilemma: they have an existing network of legacy assets that are unable to connect to the cloud. When your hardware doesn’t speak the right language, progressing from ideation to completion of an integrated IoT solution can prove a formidable challenge.
Building your own IoT solution might sound like the best way to provide needed customizations, but it’s often far more expensive than choosing a third-party platform. Telit’s experience and technology simplifies the process for you. We can work with equipment you already have in place, speaking the right language and protocols of your asset gateways and sensors and to connect them to our cloud based platform. Device management tools on the Telit IoT Portal are straightforward and easy to use.